19 mar 2008

(Para Agus.R) Fanática de esta Canción



Here i am
and within the reach of my hands
she's sound asleep and she's sweeter now
than the wildest dream could have seen her
and i watch her slipping away
Though' i know i'll be hunting high and low
there's no end to the lengths i'll go to
hunting high and low
there's no end to lengths i'll go
To find her again
upon this my dreams are depending
through the dark
i sense the pounding of her heart
next to mine
she's the sweetest love i could find
So i guess i'll be hunting high and low
there's no end to the lengths i'll go to
Hunting high and low
do you know what it means to love
I'm hunting high and low
and now she's telling me she's got to go away
I'll always be hunting high and low
hungry for you
watching me tearing myself to pieces
hunting high and low
there's no end to the lengths i'll go to
oh, for you i'll be hunting high and low

3 comentarios:

victoria dijo...

Sigo insistiendo que eres muy creativa, independiente (sin connotaciones deportivas)se me hace que eres medias líder y espero ir descubriendo tus ideales. Muy bueno el tema y el video.

Daniel O. Requelme dijo...

Lau R:

Un placer que el azar me otorga al borde del recorrido por la pasión del blog.

Muy agradable el paseo

Daniel O. Requelme

Córdoba – Argentina


Anónimo dijo...

hola lokissssssssssssssss
gracias por todo el aguante.

anonimussss (jajaj)